This Schedule is subject to change.
Monday, March 21, 2016 | |||
8:00am - 5:00pm | Registration | ||
8:45am - 9:00am | Welcome and Opening Remarks | ||
9:00am - 9:45am | Janel Garvin, Evans Data Corp - Founder and CEO Hot Topics in Software Development 2016 Janel will draw on multiple recent Evans Data development surveys to give a broad overview of the current development landscape from Cloud to Big Data to Mobile to IoT. We'll look at developer adoption and intention for languages, platforms, devices, and more, and put it all into context with drill downs on developer program features and dynamics. |
9:45am - 10:30am | Scott Apeland, Intel - Director, Developer Network 10X the Impact at a Fraction of the Cost Intel has a software developer program reaching millions of developers each month and spanning a broad continuum from IoT, wearables, phones and tablets to laptops, servers, cloud and even HPC platforms. Engaging developers in this many segments can be highly resource intensive and just plain expensive. How does Intel do it? Hear Scott discuss how Intel has enlisted the developer community themselves to do much of this work through an external evangelist program. This program taps into the passion and desire that developers have to share and help each other. In 2015, 100 of these evangelists trained 80k developers on Intel technology. Learn how to structure and implement a program like this in a cost effective way and how to cultivate a network of advocates training and winning developers for you. |
10:30am - 10:45am | Break | ||
Track 1 | Track 2 | ||
10:45am - 11:30am | Sean Cramer, Atlassian - Head of Voice of the Customer & NPS Program Users are in the lifeblood of Atlassian's products and solutions The speaker describes the innovative system Atlassian has built to categorize, measure and prioritize development efforts gleaned from all of its sources of feedback. |
Rick Tywoniak, Cisco - Director of DevNet When it's not all in the cloud - Building a developer community for APIs + hardware IoT, wearables, network programmability - Many of the newest developer opportunities require hardware and infrastructure. Building a developer community around APIs that are tied to hardware presents some unique challenges. How do you create a fast "time to first hello world" when you need hardware? How do devices and infrastructure affect your events and hackathons? Let's talk about the challenges and lessons learned in applying DevX best practices to hardware related APIs and how to encourage an API focused product approach for both software and hardware products. |
11:30am - 12:15pm | Designing a New Developer Program As the world becomes more interconnected and companies develop APIs, more often than not they will find it imperative to design, develop and build a developer program to accelerate growth. A well designed and implemented developer program takes your development goals to the next level but along the way there are best practices to adopt as well as pitfalls to avoid. Join our panelists as they share their expertise on starting, enhancing, and growing a successful developer program. Moderator: Marc Naddell, MediaTek - Vice President of Ecosystems Participants: Adam Rogal, Uber - Manager of API Engineering and Developer Relations, Vijay Vachani, Adobe - Director of Partner Ecosystem, Scott Burnell, Ford - Global Lead, Business Development & Partner Management, Chris Traganos, Roku - Director of Developer Community |
12:15pm - 1:15pm | Lunch |
1:15pm - 2:00pm | Paul Cutsinger, Amazon - Head of Amazon Alexa Code Labs Invoking the Power of Story It's easy right? Simply stand on a soapbox and bark out the greatest features of your latest product... Maybe not, those kinds of talks often cause developers to turn their internal "ad-blocker" against you and your company. Let's talk about a different way. In this session, Paul Cutsinger, head of Amazon Alexa Code Labs, will break down the elements of story telling and share examples of how to spark the imagination and engage developers in genuine, long lasting conversations. |
2:00pm - 3:00pm | Join your colleagues for in-depth roundtable discussions on topics that matter in Developer Relations, including: Using Social Media to Recruit Developers, Spurring Community Interaction, Incubators and Accelerators, Hackathons and Events, and more! Rotate every 20 minutes between three different discussions during the time for maximum interest, discussion and networking. | ||
3:00pm - 3:15pm | Break | ||
Track 1 | Track 2 | ||
3:15pm - 4:00pm | Kwasi Gilbert, Evans Data Corp - Analyst Preparing Data for Optimum Digestibility Research results should always contain actionable findings for specific business purposes. To this end, Evans Data Corporation works closely with its clients through the entire research process, uncovering and articulating which data points would be most valuable for their current needs and future directions. In this session, we explore the relations between the purpose of research and the methodology involved, deconstructing specific examples of some of the methods Evans Data has refined and field-tested over the years to examine their uses and evaluate their pros and cons. |
Lou Gazzola, Blackberry - Senior Marketing Manager, Developer Relations at BlackBerry Mikey Likes it! Can Developers love marketing? Marketing a new platform to developers? They hate marketing. How do you convince developers to dedicate their time and resources to build apps for our platform? Your new device? Over the past five years, the BlackBerry App Ecosystem team has launched three completely new platforms and attracted record numbers of developers. We'll examine how to find, attract and engage developers to support a new platform. |
4:00pm - 4:45pm | David Intersimone, Embarcardero - VP, Developer Relations and Chief Evangelist Technical Best Practices for a World Class Developer Relations Program This session will focus on a few technical best practices for creating and sustaining a world class developer relations program. David I will cover: 1) developer community site features and infrastructures, 2) technical content generation, 3) developer webinar and communication best practices, 4) global and local evangelism, 5) leveraging and integrating with other developer communities, and 6) knowledge curation and marketing. |
Larry McDonough, VMware - Director Product Management, Ecosystem Services Developer Relations and the Impact of DevOps Software development processes change all the time (Agile, Scrum, XP, Kanban). In this session, Larry will explore how the principles of DevOps go beyond traditional SDLC optimizations and what this means for developer outreach and engagement. |
4:45pm - 5:30pm | Adam Rogal, Uber - Manager of API Engineering and Developer Relations Going from 0 to 60 by fusing developer relations and platform engineering At Uber, we're taking a novel approach to our developer platform. Developer relations, business development and platform engineering exist as one high octane team, collaborating on all integrations and features. Find out how we made it work. |
Scott Burnell, Ford - Global Lead, Business Development & Partner Management IOT, the Internet of Together...for Developer Programs APIs, open source, and cross platform tools drive developers today, yet developer programs are individual silos. Explore lessons learned from the evolution of developer mindshare that can be applied across developer programs to focus on growth in a collaborative environment. |
5:45pm - 6:45pm | Cocktail Reception |
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 | |||
8:00am - 5:00pm | Registration | ||
9:00am - 9:45am | Thomas Grassl, SAP - VP, Global Head of Developer Relations Embracing Open Source in your Developer Program Open Source is key cornerstone for every developer and requires IT and software vendors to rethink their strategies. What is your open source strategy? How do you engage with the open source community for your products, including proprietary software? In the talk we will look at the current adoption of open source, the different open source strategies software vendors adopt and how to embrace it for your developer program. |
9:45m - 10:30am | Gina Poole, IBM - Vice President, Worldwide Developer Digital Engagement Above all...good design must primarily serve people developerWorks is IBM's digital engagement platform for developers worldwide, with eight different local language sites, 40,000 pieces of technical content and a variety of places for developers to interact. Come hear Gina Poole discuss how "Design Thinking" should permeate every aspect of your developer program. Design Thinking includes observing how humans interact with new things, rapid prototyping and collaboration across multi-disciplinary teams to create everything from consumer services to business strategy. Gina will share examples of how IBM has applied Design Thinking to reach & engage developers. "Above all...good design must primarily serve people." - Thomas J. Watson, Jr., President, CEO and Chairman of the Board 1952-71 |
10:30am - 10:45am | Break | ||
Track 1 | Track 2 | ||
10:45am - 11:30am | Lori Fraleigh, Intuit - Director Developer Relations Build it and They Will Come May Not Work: Investing Early in Developer Success Developer Relations often helps with the how of building an app, but being technically correct may not guarantee success with customers. Learn how Intuit Developer helps developers to get voice of the customer feedback early in the development cycle. |
Michael Rasalan, Evans Data Corporation - Director of Research Beyond the Vertical Finding New M eaning in Developer Segmentation To accurately target the developer market for your tools and services, segmentation is vital. Evans Data employs a classification of developers by the types of applications they create. This typology is valuable and delivers results focused on developer targets, but sometimes you might want to look at developers by other segments. This session looks at how various ways to segment the developer population. It provides a jumping off point for examining developers that may allow you to expand your reach. |
The Data Game | |||
11:30am - 12:15pm | ![]() |
12:15pm - 1:15pm | Lunch |
1:15pm - 2:00pm | Sebastien Taveau, Mastercard - Chief Developer Evangelist - OpenAPI Who are you talking about? It is important to know your developers community and its fabrics so that you can build the best experience within the best destination. Learn about MasterCard journey into building a program with developers' front and center, the lessons learn, the successes, the drawbacks and more importantly how to convince all the constituents internally and externally that it's worth the time and the money. |
2:00pm - 2:45pm | David Thau, Google - Manager of Developer Relations, Google Earth Engine and Google Earth Outreach The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Science-focused Developer Relations Scientists, and the nonprofit organizations who serve them, want their work put into the hands of people who can use it. For this, they need developers. Though the rewards are many, developers who work in this environment often face an unusual set of challenges. Learn about these pleasures and pitfalls, and how Google has been working with this community of developers. |
Mano Marks, Docker - Director of Developer Relations Changing the way you build: The new world of containerized applications Building large scale apps traditionally has traditionally meant building large monolithic apps to handle everything. In the new age of the cloud and on premise data centers, increasingly the world is looking to containers and microservices. This allows flexibility and agility. Individual teams can choose the tools they need and be assured they'll work in the environment they want. And it also has implications for how we do developer relations, making it easier to deploy samples without worrying about environment. This session will look at microservices and how they are changing both the enterprise, and our work in developer relations. |
2:45pm - 3:00pm | Break | ||
3:00pm - 4:15pm | LIVE ONSTAGE DEVELOPER FOCUS GROUP - One of the conference's MOST POPULAR events! This is your chance to ask developers what you want to know - Ten developers answer the questions you submit Moderator: Janel Garvin, Evans Data - Founder and CEO |
4:15pm - 4:30pm | Raffle Drawing |