Violet Lieby
SANTA CRUZ, CA. July 19, 2011 – Mobile devices are already a common target for corporate enterprises according to Evans Data’s new Mobile Development survey. Seventy-four percent of respondent developers said they would be extending enterprise apps to mobile clients in the coming year. The survey, which was conducted in June, and examines the technology adoption and intentions of over 400 mobile developers, also found that Cloud or SaaS enterprise APIs were one of the four top API types in demand by developers.
"It’s clear that the mobile device has come into its own in the enterprise" said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data Corp. "and it’s a very heterogeneous target with multiple devices and device types being introduced by users, leaving IT management and enterprise developers to cope. This study also showed the importance of web apps vs. native apps to mobile developers which correlate with the need to support a wide range of devices.â€
Other highlights from this comprehensive survey of mobile developers include:
--- Eighty –four percent of mobile developers consider performance to be more important than power consumption when designing their apps.
---Google’s Android Marketplace and Microsoft’s Windows Marketplace for Mobile have both surpassed Apple’s App Store as planned channels of distribution in the coming year.
---WiFi spoofing has become the top security concern for mobile development.
The Evans Data Mobile Development survey is now in its eleventh year and consists of in-depth survey interviews with over 400 mobile developers. It is conducted worldwide in English, Chinese, French and German and its content reflects the changing concerns of subscribers in the rapidly evolving landscape of mobile development.
See complete Table of Contents for the latest edition here:
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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