Global Developer Panel Profile
The Evans Data Corp. panel of developers includes over 185,000 professional developers and IT professionals in over 80 countries. The following presents a profile of this audience.
Geographic Distribution
- 40-45% North America
- 25-30% EMEA
- 25-30% APAC
- 5-10% Latin America
Market Segment*
- 40% - Corporate end-users
- 25-30% - Systems integrators, VARs, consultants
- 25-30% - ISVs
- 5-10% - OEMs, scientific and other
Types of Development*
- 56% - Work on databases
- 48% - Work on web apps
- 47% - Work on client/server apps
- 40% - Have written a Linux app
- 40% - Use Java
- 27% - Use C#
- 70% have been programming 6 years or more
- Average number of years experience = 15
Job Titles
- 40% - Programmers/ software developers
- 30% - Software architects, systems analysts, project or product managers
- 25% - CIOs, CTOs, MIS Management
- 5% - Other
Purchasing Involvement*
- 80% Identify needs and make recommendations
- 50% Requisition specific tools and components
- 40% Approve/authorize expenditures
Types of Purchases Made or Approved*
- 90% - Development tools
- 65% - Office software
- 55% - App servers
- 50% - Web servers
* Note: This multiple response question allowed the developers to select up to three responses, and thus the total will not come to 100%. The case column shows the percent of actual developers (cases) that responded.

When conducting demand-side primary research it becomes important to recruit the participants (or samples) from sources that are as unbiased as possible. During the years that Evans Data Corp. has been recruiting respondents to participate in surveys this ideal has continuously been foremost in our efforts. Consequently, though we have used over 100 different individual sources for recruiting, the following principles are strictly adhered to and consistently applied:
- No vendor lists have ever been used in Evans Data Corp. subscription surveys and none have ever been added to the panel
- No platform-specific lists have ever been used in any Evans Data Corp. general subscription surveys and none have ever been added to the general panel
- No language-specific lists have ever been used in any Evans Data Corp. subscriptions surveys and none have ever been added to the panel
In this way we provide the most eclectic and unbiased sample available anywhere. With thousands of developers and IT pros chosen in a deliberately unbiased way from a wide variety of neutral lists, our data truly provides in-depth looks at representative samples of the technology landscape.