Maureen Barr
SANTA CRUZ, CA - April 8, 2009 - Three-quarters of all software developers belong to at least one social network and two-thirds belong to multiple networks, according to the results of Evans Data’s Developer Relations Program Annual survey. The survey of over 400 software developers was released to subscribers April 3 and examined the dynamics of evolving program sites for software developers.
Additionally, the top three things developers look for in a social network are profiles, an active community and high quality content. Tagging and access from mobile phones were the least important attributes of a social networking site.
Other highlights from this in-depth survey include:
- Over 90 percent of developers look at blogs at least some time, and seventy percent feel that blogs are credible sources of information,
- Microsoft has the best developers website according to 27.4% of developers, followed by Sun with 12%. IBM and Google tie for third place with less than ten percent of developers mentioning their site as the best developer website.
- Developers prefer community moderated forums to vendor moderated ones, and 88% think that community moderated forums are important in a community website.
The complete TOC and sample pages can be seen here.
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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