Maureen Barr
SANTA CRUZ, CA, May 13, 2003 - Evans Data's latest research, Asia Pacific Development Survey Vol.1 2003 (APAC), found that security breaches across the APAC region have reached epidemic levels. Some 75% of developers reported at least one security breach in the last year. Of those who had breaches, two thirds had three or more security breaches. In Evans' North American Development Survey Vol. 1 2003, 57% reported a security breach in the last year and less than half had three or more breaches.
China experienced a sharp increase, from 59% reporting at least one security breach last year to 84% this year. Almost 60% of Chinese respondents experienced three or more breaches in the past year. China was also the most likely region to make the security breach public or to report to a security agency, 51%, India was second with 31% but Japan, 4%, and Australia/New Zealand, 2%, were the least likely.
"Not surprisingly, computer viruses are the most common breaches and more than half the breaches were viruses," said Esther Schindler, EDC senior analyst. "But 12% of APAC developers reported deliberate database hacks and 9% said they'd been the victims of unauthorized scripts. The situation is worst in China where well more than 4 out of 5 respondents experienced a breach."
Other findings from the survey of 600 developers in the Asia Pacific region:
- A third of APAC developers consider Microsoft the Web services leader. But each region has its own champion: Australia and New Zealand strongly believe in Microsoft at 53%, but in Japan respondents believe that IBM is the Web services leader and, in India, developers think Sun Microsystems will be dominant.
- APAC developers use an average of 3.8 software engineering process steps. China was the lowest at 3.1, India came in at 3.9, Japan at 4.1 and Australia/New Zealand at 4.9 steps. Only 38% of Chinese developers do acceptance testing to determine if the system is working according to specifications compared to Australian/New Zealander developers at 81%.
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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