In the Fall of 2011, Evans Data Corp conducted a global survey of developers with the intent of documenting user satisfaction with the leading database offerings. Respondents only rated the features of those databases that they had used. They were asked to rank eleven different features commonly found in databases. Each feature could be ranked as, "Very good", "Somewhat good", "Somewhat weak", "Needs improvement". During processing, the categories were assigned a numerical value according to their relative significance. Values were then combined to produce a weighted score for each element and also an overall total score for each vendor. The relative values for each element ranked are displayed in graphs with the same scale, so that comparisons between graphs can be made. The numbers in the graphs only display relative values.
The goal was to highlight the characteristics of each database and quantify user satisfaction with various features and/or capabilities. Results are derived from primary market research that captures user's perceptions rather than physical bench tests or other secondary evaluations. As a result, findings detailed in this study reflect the relative level of satisfaction a user is likely to experience with any given database. The purpose of this study is to aide in knowledgeable database selection based on the characteristics of the databases as evaluated by their users, though decision makers should still consider their company’s focus and aims. It should also be acknowledged that user requirements vary widely, and certain databases are more appropriate for certain implementations than others.
The Databases included in the study were:
- Oracle Database 10g or later
- Informix Dynamic Server
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Sybase Adaptive Server
- PostgreSQL
- Firebird
- SQLite
Features and capabilities rated were:
- Performance
- Security Features
- Quality of Data Modeling Tools
- Multi Platform Support
- Quality of Management Tools Supplied with the Database
- Quality of Third Party Management Tools Supplied with the Database
- Programming Language Support
- Suited for Cloud Implementations
- Good Value for the Cost