Maureen Barr
SANTA CRUZ, CA – July 7, 2009 – More than one in four developers in the Asia Pacific region are using cloud services or expect to within the next six months, according to the most recent Asia Pacific Development survey released to subscribers last week. Currently 11.3% say they are using cloud services, but an additional 16.4% expect to be using them within six months and over half expect to be using them at some time. Transactions were the most likely type of implementations to be planned for public clouds – those outside the firewall, while storage was the least likely.
The biannual survey of over 400 Asia Pacific software developers measures major technology shifts and adoption patterns for a wide range of topics including scripting language use, 3GL language use such as C++, C#, and Java, platform targeting and migration, and other technology adoption including cloud, web services, SOA, parallel programming, and agile development trends. The survey series is now in its eleventh year.
Other highlights from the survey include:
- Sixteen percent of Asia Pacific developers employ Silverlight some of the time but an additional 34% expect to do so.
- Three quarters of Asia Pacific developers are considering SOA implementations, though less than 10% are currently fully deployed.
- PayPal is the most commonly used form of online payment system being built into applications – its use is more than three times as common as Google Checkout
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Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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