Violet Lieby
SANTA CRUZ, CA - October 6, 2009 – Evans Data Corp today announced that Google is the company that developers think of as having the best ability to execute in a public cloud setting while IBM is strongest for the private cloud, according to a recent survey of over 400 software developers published this week in an Evans Data Market Alert.
The survey, conducted in September, measured developers’ perceptions of leading vendors in the cloud space including Amazon, Microsoft, AT&T, Rackspace, VMware, Sun, and HP, among others. Adoption, adoption intentions, completeness of offering, and ability to execute were rated by the developers along with capabilities such as security, scalability, low latency, reliability, no vendor lock-in, and cost to value ratio. In addition, developers positioned the vendors as better suited to either public or private cloud offerings.
The survey report, which is free with registration, can be found here.
"The Cloud environment is currently very dynamic both in terms of development and vendor offerings," said Janel Garvin of Evans Data Corp and author of the report. "Many are evolving their cloud services to span both public and private clouds and we'll soon see some interesting competitors vying across the spectrum as cloud becomes more pervasive."
Amazon was seen as having the most complete solution today, but Google was thought to have more ability to execute, and Google topped Amazon in most other categories. Additionally, adoption intentions in the next 12 months were much stronger for Google than for Amazon. IBM was thought to be able to provide the most secure cloud environment and was also rated high in reliability and ability to execute – qualities essential to large enterprises considering private or hybrid clouds.
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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