Violet Lieby
SANTA CRUZ, CA. August 23, 2017 - Almost half of all developers working in and/or deploying to a Cloud are deploying and delivering environmental configurations as instances of immutable architecture (46%) in development testing and production, with only slightly less (42%) doing the same with microservices according to Evans Data Corp's newly released Cloud Development Survey.
In addition to those currently delivering environmental configurations as immutable architectures an additional 37% are experimenting with this technology but haven't put it into production yet. As for microservices, an additional 34% are evaluating and 15% expect to experiment with microservices in the next year.
"There's an obvious affinity between microservices and immutable architecture," said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data. "Containers in general as well as microservices can embrace immutability which enhances reliability and reduces the dependence on heavy weight installers and configuration management software. The developers are telling us the time for this evolution has come."
The survey also showed that the most common types of applications that are containerized are Business to Business applications, followed by backend development, and while the vast majority of those who use containers use some kind of orchestration tools, the orchestrator that most use is the one that ships with the container software they use.
The survey of developers currently developing in or deploying to the Cloud was fielded in June 2017 and provides a margin of error of 4.4%. The full 187 page report includes sections on Cloud Developer Demographics, Migrating to a Cloud, Containers, DevOps and the Cloud, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Mobile IoT and the Cloud, Security and Governance, and much more!
See the complete Table of Contents and Methodology here: Table of Contents
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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