Violet Lieby
Are developers embarrassing multi-cloud technology? It provides greater flexibility with processing and storage demands plus helps reduce costs, but is it being utilized? This information and more is available in our just-released Evans Data Global Development Survey Report 22.1. Read the except here to learn the answer.
Conducted in six languages, we surveyed active software developers worldwide to produce a comprehensive survey providing over 262 pages of data, analysis, and deep dives into a broad range of software development issues. Published twice a year for the last 24 years, and now in its 48th edition, this report is the de facto standard for developer intelligence and covers such topics as:
- Demographics & Firmographics
- Inclusivity & Social Environment
- Platform Adoption
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Security
- Game Development
- Cloud Development
- Edge Computing Architectures
- Tooling & Development Environments
- APIs
- Networks and Storage
- Technology Adoption
- Languages
- and MUCH more!
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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