Violet Lieby
AJAX is blowing up, and everybody knows it. But in an industry as dynamic as ours, will it be around in the future?
SANTA CRUZ, CA, January 10, 2007 - AJAXWorld Conference & Expo 2007 East will offer a session by Evans Data president John F. Andrews. AJAX is blowing up, and everybody knows it. But in an industry as dynamic as ours, will it be around in the future? Get the information you need about AJAX to make the right decisions right now. Get a global view of what is going on today with technologies that can and will use AJAX. Find out where AJAX fits in the bigger interactive picture. In this session, led by the President of Evans Data Corporation, you will learn what you need to know to build a strategy that can coexist and be profitable with the rest of the development world. The man behind the data, John Andrews, will take you through some key recent Evans findings about the status of AJAX within the software development industry, and will show you how to successfully apply them to your business right now.
John F. Andrews is the President of Evans Data Corporation. He has served as CEO of range of IT companies, both private and public. Prior to this set of CEO assignments he was CIO of CSX Corporation, and was also a CIO and division President at several of GTE's operations. John also has deep experience in market research, having been the CEO of Giga Information Group before it was acquired by Forrester Research.
According to Evans Data Corp’s latest Web Services Development Survey, Web Services with Web 2.0 interfaces are surging. Evans Data finds this in the rising use of AJAX, a key component of the Web 2.0 architecture. Close to half of developers surveyed say they are already working with AJAX or plan to do so in the coming year. REST (Representational State Transfer) use is rising as well. The Evans Data survey found a 37% increase in respondents implementing or considering REST, with one out of four surveyed saying that they are considering REST-Based Web Services as a simpler alternative to SOAP-based services.
"Consistent with the increasing adoption of web services we are also seeing the same for AJAX", stated John Andrews, President of Evans Data.
“This framework, now more than ever, is allowing developers the means to make web-based applications function more like desktop ones."
Other findings from the Spring 2006 Survey of almost 400 managers and developers:
- Reuse is rising. Three out of ten survey respondents are saying the ability to reuse the service is the greatest cost advantage to Web Services. The number of respondents sharing Web Services with two or more business units is up 20% since the last survey.
- Despite rampant industry speculation to the contrary, the adoption of the Java platform is poised for a significant increase. Three out of four companies expect to be working with the Java Platform by next year, a 12% jump from current levels.
On January 8, 2007 SYS-CON Events announced the "charter sponsors" of AJAXWorld Conference & Expo 2007 East, which included; Laszlo Systems (Diamond Sponsor), JackBe (Platinum Sponsor), Google (Gold Sponsor), Sun Microsystems (Silver Sponsor), Parasoft (Silver Sponsor), Lightstreamer (Exhibitor Plus Sponsor), IT Mill (Exhibitor Plus Sponsor), and FrogLogic (Exhibitor Plus Sponsor).
First International AJAXWorld Conference & Expo which took place on October 1-3, 2006 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, in Santa Clara, Calfornia was sponsored by Adobe, Amazon, Apress, Backbase, ComponentArt, Cynergy Systems, Google, Helmi Technologies, IBM, ICEsoft, ILOG, Infragistics, JackBe, Laszlo Systems, Nexaweb, OASIS, Parasoft, Sun Microsystems, telerik, TIBCO, U7 Web Technologies, Visible Measures, Zapatec; including media sponsors AJAX Matters, AJAXWorld Magazine, BZ Media, ColdFusion Developer's Journal,, Eclipse Developer's Journal, Eclipse Review, Enterprise Open Source Magazine, Integration Developer News,, Java Developer's Journal,, Methods & Tools, Network World, Open Enterprise Trends, Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Journal, SD Times, Software Test & Performance, SOA Web Services Journal, SYS-CON.TV, Web 2.0 Journal, and Web Developer's & Designer's Journal.
Published Jan. 10, 2007 — Reads 240 Copyright © 2007 SYS-CON Media. All Rights Reserved.
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