Violet Lieby
One in Four Developers say Users Don’t adhere to Security Procedures
SANTA CRUZ, CA, July 20, 2004 - Evans Data Corporation’s all new Security Development Survey found that one in four developers believe that the biggest hurdle to computing security is end users refusing to adhere to polices. A quarter of developers found social engineering and lack of adherence to policies to be the biggest problem, while another 15% cite lack of qualified personnel. However, only 11% of developers felt the solutions were too complex or difficult for users.
“As with any other security concern, the best technology in the world can be undone by untrained or inattentive end users, the same holds true for the development of secure computing applications and projects," said Glenn MacEwen, an analyst with Evans Data. "Until the culture of computing security evolves to encompass regular security practices, businesses and people will remain vulnerable to attack and exploitation."
Contrary to popular opinion, developers indicate that implementing security does not have a negative impact on computing performance. Security getting in the way of performance, often cited by uncooperative users, is not widely seen as an issue, only 1.3% felt it was. When asked in what instances developers implement security, 71% indicated database communications, 66% indicate web traffic, and 65% identify web services.
Other findings from the Summer 2004 survey of more than 400 developers and IT managers:
- Developers are split down the middle on which libraries and APIs to use when building security applications. Seventeen percent use Java security APIs and seventeen percent use Microsoft Web Services Enhancement (WSE). OpenSSL is a strong second choice at 15%.
- Twenty five percent of developers believe that the Linux operating system has the best innate security. Windows 2003 is a close second at 19%.
- IBM was viewed as the leader in security tools and infrastructure.
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.
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